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Opportunities for Artists

Calls for Artists, Fellowships and More

ArtReach St. Croix | Mental Health, finding creative solace
ArtReach St. Croix is seeking artists who currently create or have created work around themes related to mental health to be part of an exhibition during NEA Big Read in the St. Croix Valley. Mental Health, finding creative solace will encourage artists and viewers to consider the emotions, stigma, struggles and healing that surround mental health and how individuals impacted personally or tangentially find solace and strength. Like the Art on Caregiving, Death and Dying that was a highly successful part of the 2023 NEA Big Read in the St. Croix Valley program, ArtReach expects to treat this exhibition with the respect and dignity that the artists and their work are entitled to. More information can be found here. Entry Deadline February 17, 2025.

St. Croix Watershed Research Station | Artist at Pine Needles
The St. Croix Watershed Research Station invites applications for its 2025 Artist at Pine Needles Residency Program, open from January 1 through March 2, 2025. This unique residency supports artists and writers whose work explores the intersection of art, science, and the natural world. With a vision to enhance scientific understanding through art, the program provides residents with the opportunity to engage with the scientific staff of the Research Station and Science Museum of Minnesota, fostering a deeper connection between creative expression and natural history science. Since 2002, the Artist at Pine Needles program has welcomed 75 artists and writers to its historic cabin on the St. Croix River in Marine on St. Croix, MN. More information and application can be found here. Entry Deadline March 2, 2025.

WHAT Art School: Teaching Opportunities
WHAT Art School in St. Croix Falls, WI is currently seeking experienced artists and educators to lead workshops and classes at WHAT Art School. Classes can vary from one day workshops to multi-week courses with a 60/40 revenue split in favor of the instructor. Classes will cover a variety of disciplines in the visual and creative arts including ceramics, printmaking, painting, and more, and we are eager to build a diverse team of instructors.   Interested artists can fill out this form which also includes more information.

WHAT Art School: Gift Shop Consignment Opportunities
WHAT Art School in St. Croix Falls, WI is currently looking for artisans and makers to showcase their work in our gift shop, which is scheduled to open in early spring 2025, with a possible holiday pop-up event. We offer a 70/30 split, with the artist retaining 70% of proceeds. Gift shop artists are also eligible for exhibition opportunities throughout the year. Interested artists can fill out this form which also includes more information.

Phipps Artists Group: What We Need is Here
What We Need Is Here is a group of member artists who engage in exploration of a theme related to the role of art, ecology, and community. For 2024-25, the artists will examine the theme, “Freedom to Thrive” through group discussion, guest speakers and field visits to inspiring venues. Their responses will culminate in a gallery exhibition at The Phipps in Spring 2025. Registration for the What We Need Is Here group is limited to 30 artists. For more information about the group, contact Lee Ann Pomplas, Arts Engagement Director, at [email protected] Adult artists of all mediums welcome. Meets on second Mondays, 9:30 am – noon. Sept 9, Oct 14, Nov 11, Dec 9, Jan 13, Feb 10, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 12. Membership registration for the 2024-25:  $40

Artist Calls Beyond the Valley

Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program (MAEP)
The Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program (MAEP) is a curatorial program of the Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia), dedicated to exhibiting and supporting artists living and working in the state. The program supports emerging and mid-career artists in realizing their proposed exhibition of new, ongoing, or recently finished artwork. The MAEP selects exhibitions through a juried competition, or Open Call. The program hosts three Open Calls a year. The MAEP Advisory Committee and Mia staff review applications to select one recipient who will receive up to $13,500 to realize their proposed exhibition in the U.S. Bank Gallery. More information can be found here. Entry Deadline for the March–June 2026 exhibition is February 28, 2025.

Praxis Gallery & Photographic Arts Center | Black & White
More than half a century after the advent of color film, black and white photography continues to capture our collective imagination. Utilizing tone, contrast, texture and shape, black and white photography strips its subject to only the most essential visual elements; revealing a sense of soul, substance and meaning – separate from the shifting sentiments, symbolism and cultural associations of color imagery. Praxis Gallery seeks photographic works that demonstrate the fundamental qualities that make black and white photography an enduring, contemporary art form. All black and white genres, capture types, traditional and non-traditional photographic and digital post-production processes are welcome for submission. Additional information and application can be found here. Entry deadline February 2.

Grand Marais Art Colony: 2025 Residency Programs
A catalyst for the arts in the Great Lakes region, the Grand Marais Art Colony has existed in the iconic North Shore of Minnesota since 1947. The mission of the Art Colony is to foster the exploratory growth and experimental power of contemporary artists. Through its residency programs, artists and writers are provided with space and time in one of 5 Art Colony studios to explore their aesthetic inquiries and make work plus the option of lodging in the guest suite. Applications for their July – December 2025 Residencies are currently open. Note deadlines for each individual program to ensure you submit in a timely manner. Additional information and application can be found here. Entry deadlines October 17th, 2025.

Ongoing Opportunities

Lift Bridge Brewing Co. New Richmond, WI Taproom – Artist of the Month
Lift Bridge is looking for artists to show their art in the Lift Bridge New Richmond, WI Taproom. The taproom would also like to host “Meet the Artist” events where the artists would have the opportunity to talk with people about their art and sell directly to customers. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please email Chip Meyer at [email protected]

River Falls Community Arts Base – Exhibit at Art’s House Gallery
If you or you and your group are interested in exhibiting at Art’s House Gallery, please fill out an application. Submissions will be assessed by members of the Community Arts Base board which is comprised of artists, arts professionals and art enthusiasts from the River Falls area. All submitting artists will be notified by email of the board’s decision a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the exhibition installation date. In particular, we’re looking for glass, pottery, wood, small sculptures and jewelry to exhibit and sell. Additional information

City of River Falls – Art in City Hall
The City of River Falls is excited to provide an opportunity for artists in River Falls and the surrounding area to showcase their artwork in City Hall. Thank you for sharing your artwork & your passion with the City! Submissions are now being accepted! Additional information | City Hall Display Policy

Marine Mills Folk School – Become an Instructor
Marine Mills Folk School offers hands-on, experiential classes in a variety of arts and crafts pursuits.  If you’re interested in becoming an instructor at MMFS, we would love to hear from you. Additional information is an online database of Minnesota artists and organizations from all disciplines. In addition to providing artists and organizations with a web page containing images and information, provides news and features about the local arts scene from a variety of sources. They have many calls for artists from throughout Minnesota posted on their Opportunities page.