“As with any region, the vitality of the St. Croix Valley is defined by our ability to look the future in the eye and respond in ways that enrich the lives of those who live, work, play and create here.”
Nancy Kafka, Belwin Conservancy
March 4, 2022 at 9:30-11:30am
Join ArtReach St. Croix and your colleagues for fun, creative conversations. Connect to the powerful statement of vision and values captured in Navigate.
What is Navigate?
ArtReach St. Croix in collaboration with Arts Midwest came together with leaders from across sectors in a series of five sequential retreats, with the purpose of building a coalition to amplify the work that is happening at the intersection of arts and nature. Navigate retreats are centered on dialogue and design work toward development of a strategic course document.
Read Final Document: Navigating Change
Read Reflections from Day 1 – Mapping the Confluence
Read Reflections from Day 2 – Forces of Nature, Bedrock Values
Read Reflections from Day 3 – Movement
Read Reflections from Day 4 – Influence
Program goals:
- Identification of shared purpose for the region that spans sector interests, focused on the intersection of arts / nature / community;
- Strengthen connections and commitment to working collaboratively across sectors toward shared purpose for long term regional sustainability and livability;
- Develop a common language across sectors to build collective hopes, dreams, and plans for our future;
- Articulation of the uniqueness of the arts in this region based on the environment;
- Create a Strategic Course document as a product to guide the collaborative as it moves forward.
When was it?
The five session series took place at locations throughout the St. Croix Valley.
- October 29, 2015: Imagine—Finding Common Dream
- December 10, 2015: Explore—Finding Common Purpose
- February 11, 2016: Create—Finding Common Cause
- April 7, 2016: Navigate—Drawing the Roadmap
- May 19, 2016: Celebrate—Launch into the Valley
Who was involved?
Partcipants were selected through a panel review process in August, 2015. A list of participants is included in final document “Navigating Change.”
Facilitators & Staff
- Shawn McConneloug, Studio 206 and Gymnasium, Facilitator
- Dylan Skybrook, Skybrook Group, Facilitator
- Heather Rutledge, Executive Director, ArtReach St. Croix, Project Manager
- Sharon Rodning Bash, ArtsLab Program, Arts Midwest, Project Co-Manager
This opportunity was generously funded by The Saint Paul Foundation, Mardag Foundation, Bigelow Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, the Bush Foundation, and Arts Midwest. Additional funding was provided by the Hugh J. Andersen Foundation, Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation, the Water Street Inn, and ArtReach St. Croix.
About ArtReach St. Croix
ArtReach St. Croix connects communities and the arts in the scenic St. Croix River Valley and boldly envisions the St. Croix River Valley as a national destination for the arts.
About Arts Midwest
Arts Midwest promotes creativity, nurtures cultural leadership, and engages people in meaningful art experiences, bringing vitality to Midwest communities and enriching people’s lives. A regional arts service organization headquartered in Minneapolis, Arts Midwest services audiences, arts organizations, and artists throughout the nine states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and beyond.
Please contact:
Heather Rutledge at (651) 439-1465 [email protected]; www.ArtReachStCroix.org