My design was intended to be simple and homey. I used wood carving tools to imprint filigree leaves which surround the house and I have included a knot-hole.
I used non-toxic acrylic paint which I layered onto the leaves and fence to give them depth.
Artist Bio: Jeanette Murphy
My interest in all things artistic started with my involvement in the Great Arts program in high school. Many avenues of self expression were available to me. I worked in drawing, jewelry making, silk screen, wood carving, and printing. Some of my projects were entered into an art exhibition.
After high school I began to raise a family and started working with textiles. My textiles of choice presently are re-used jeans. I also make blanket quilts.
I read about the Art Reach project, and although painting is new to me, I decided to give it a try. I am satisfied with the result.
I have bird housed and feeders in my yard. I feed the birds and deer daily. My bird house expresses better than words, the joy I take in seeing them and the delight I take in nature.